It was the Summer of 2005, sitting in a club early one evening and having a drink with my ex-girlfriend, I was wearing a black felt cowboy hat with turquiose stones on the band and sporting a black eye. About half an hour before I had just been thrown out of the 100 club because I turned up to a soundcheck of Juliette Lewis unannounced and when I requested if I could take her portrait the manager took one look at me..hat / black eye and had me thrown out on the street..
The club where we were drinking was for private members and I was given a membership a couple of years back as I did some work for them, although I didn’t think much of the place, the other members were all looking at me, feeling uneasy. Suddenly a guy is in my face and he blurts.. ’I’ve got one thing to say to you.. ’THE STOOGES’! To that I calmly replied ‘are playing next week at the Hammersmith Apollo..why? You going?
Fast Forward to the gig and there’s the guy going mental in the mosh pit. I had to abandon taking pictures as my camera got smashed up during the show and was no longer I tap the guy on the shoulder and said ‘so here we are’!
Rob with my dear friend the photographer John Webber on our way to Frannie Hopkirk’s for a flying visit.
It’s a long story and one I am still writing for my ongoing book on music titled ‘Bathing Whiskey’.
But what’s extraordinary is Rob and I flew to Australia from London and followed the Stooges on tour in every city..driving most of the way..ditching the hire car in Adelaide and flying to Perth for the final show.
I saw them many times after in London and festivals within the UK..but he took it to a whole other level.. Please view the trailer to the film about Rob.
Rob with Hugh Bonneville (see below poster) 2018
A still from video footage shot with Rob Pargiter - Adelaide January 2006
The gig we didn’t see..Sydney January 2006
Rob with Scott Asheton Sydney January 2006
Pictures of Iggy and the Stooges 2005 - 2010 for my ongoing book ‘Bathing Whiskey’
The text for this chapter of the book is unfinished.
Mike Watt w/ Scott Asheton
Thirsty Mike
Steve Mackay
Mike Watt, Ron Asheton, Steve Mackay, Scott Asheton